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Fintech Insider News: Live from Money20/20

Last week Conny Dorrestijn - Founding Partner at BankiFi, participated in the 11:FS lounge at Money20/20 in Amsterdam! Presented by Leda Glyptis and Jason Bates the other guests were:

- Bart Leurs - Chief Digital Transformation Officer at Rabobank
- Jordane Giuly - Co-Founder and Head of Product at Spendesk
- Suresh Vaghjiani - CEO & Co-Founder at Tribe Payments

The episode kicked off by taking a look at an article from Finextra about Money20/20 specifically: Money20/20 Europe 2019, Stop innovating, start executing. A big theme over the first day was innovation innovation innovation... is innovation an overused term? Should we stop innovating and start executing? Where is the fine line between being innovative and just doing something that is very niche? 

You can listen to this very special episode right here


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