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BankiFi in the Paypers Open Banking Report 2019

BankiFi is covered in the Paypers Open Banking Report 2019 - enjoy the read and access opinions across the industry here.  

More on The Open Banking Report 2019

The Open Banking Report 2019 clarifies the role of key key-players in a post-September 14th world and assesses how the landscape has shifted within Europe and beyond.

The report highlights trends that should shape the Open Banking industry in the year ahead, and looking at how regulatory changes and competition could influence the Open Banking ecosystem.

Structured in seven comprehensive chapters, the present edition of Open Banking Report offers a holistic view of a now-mature concept, going into particular areas such as the impact of Open Banking on payments, particular strategies taken by both banks and TPPs to adapt to regulatory and market requirements, new business models and propositions, the highly-debated issue of customer engagement and education, regulatory compliance, along with risk, security and SCA.

The new edition of The Paypers’ Open Banking Report is endorsed by crucial entities and consultancies for the industry such as Open Banking Implementation Entity, Holland FinTech, and Currency Research.

Read the full article by The Paypers



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