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BankiFi features in the Paypers Open Banking Report

BankiFi features in the Paypers Open Banking Report on Tangible Value in Open Business Banking for Banks and Entrepreneurs

The Open Banking Report 2018 focuses on topics such as building trust, gaining consent and improving customer experience in Open Banking.

Read the fine points of how open business banking is good business for banks and entrepreneurs in our contribution to the Open Banking Report : "Tangible Value in Open Business Banking for Banks and Entrepreneurs".



More on The Open Banking Report 2018

Structured in four comprehensive chapters, the present edition of Open Banking Report 2018 puts particular emphasis on the idea that, by working with fintechs, banks can upgrade their offerings and create new opportunities to generate revenue and improve their business proposition in Open Banking. The report also provides an analysis of the present state of play of Open Banking and the most notable initiatives in the European Union (driven by PSD2), the UK (driven by the Competition and Markets Authority), and even beyond Europe (into Australia and Asia Pacific).

Thus, several key aspects are tackled. To name a few:
  • the work put into implementing PSD2 towards Open Banking (INNOPAY and Deutsche Bank), and shaping of a competitive and innovative API technology (Consult Hyperion; 11:FS, PelicanPay);
  • the roadmap to how Open Banking created a two-sided ecosystem between banks and TPPs and all the new use-cases that emerged (Token);
  • the revolution of Open Banking and digital banking platforms for banks (Worldline);
  • the fine points of how open business banking is good business for banks and entrepreneurs (Bankifi).

The report contains some very useful educational insights and great contributions from INNOPAY, Mobey Forum, and Aite Group, on creating value through Open Banking, how sharing transaction risk data leads to success in this niche, corporate onboarding processes, or strategic options for banks in the PSD2 age.

The new edition of The Paypers’ Open Banking Report is endorsed by Holland FinTech, an organisation fostering innovation within the financial services industry.

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