Embedded banking, but not as you know it
From 'Inside Out' to 'Outside In' banking
The evolution of digital channels
Right now, there’s a battle for who, or perhaps even what will be the ‘front door’ for the digital services required to run a business.
The companies currently winning the battle for small business banking customers are the ones treating SMEs as a segment in their own right.
So how can traditional banks start to successfully engage small business customers and open up a world of new opportunities?
Our white paper examines this and more:
The evolution of Digital Channels from 'Inside Out' to 'Outside In' banking
Digital banking 1.0 - 'Inside Out' banking
Digital banking 2.0 - mobile and omni channel
Digital banking 3.0 - 'Outside In' banking
The evolving role of digital banking channels in the SMB relationship
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